Communication and relationships are an essential ingredient of wellbeing. Underlying all rich relationships is communication. Love itself depends on authentic communication. One can expect emotions tied to all forms of communication.
Relationships, Communication and Emotions are tightly coupled together.
Surrounding ourselves with the people we love and having a community to share our life with is one of the keys to happiness. Being lonely, withdrawn and resigned causes the downward spiral of one’s Well-Being. This is often the case when after being married for decades, one spouse dies, the other one is so alone and depressed for the lack of any companionship, that their body starts to show signs of this downward spiral in the form of diseases. Or after separation/divorce, the fear of being alone and boredom eats away into one’s health.
And for existing relationships, bringing in intimacy :
– Connect to yourself and your needs
– Always be present to your higher commitment of being in relationships
– Open authentic heart-to-hear communication
– Be aware of the stress triggers
– Bring compassion and love in every situation
– Being open to the resources – books, videos, courses that can keep on renewing the passion in your relationships
Some of the ways to always surround yourself with new community :
– Be involved in your neighborhood
– Create social get-togethers with people who add value to your life
– Participate in local charities
– Contribute to the community
Communication is the key to Mental stability and Well-being. Paradoxically, we are communicating even when we think we are not communicating. There are 2 types of communications:
1) With inner self (Monologue)
What is it that we say to ourself every day from moment to moment especially when we encounter challenging situations ? What is the story we live in ? What is the blame or make wrong we shame ourselves with ? What negative conversations we buy into ? What kind of body postures does this create ? What effect does this have on our digestion ? What kind of body language is portrayed when communicating others when we have all this negative talk that we do to us ? What fears do we have but we are afraid to even notice? What fears we know we have but don’t share and use cover up strategies or deflections or onslaughts ?
How could we restore our self-talk? A wide rich menu is available:
– Building ongoing awareness of our fears and low-grade doubts.
– Meditating on these deep human needs and strategies we use to resolve
– Engaging and Participating in programs designed for boundless growth
– Creating and inventing new stories, new perspectives, new ways to listen, and new ways to express
– Connecting to the Source: Higher Self, Universe, Divine or the Truth
– Listening to your Higher Purpose
2) With Others (Dialogue)
The key to successful thriving relationships is reliable Communication with others anchored on a foundation of trust. When ever there is a block in communication, there is an upset and hurt, withholding starts and a downward spiral for causing distance in relationships occurs. What we say then is all in the realm of blame, shame and fault. Such relationships are stuck and dead.
Being compassionate to oneself and creating the space for openness for any communication to occur around you gives the space to hold others in that loving space. This spirals back to how we hold ourselves, connect to the inner reality and be the expansive space to deeply connect with others creating a passionate heart-to-heart fulfilling relationship.
Some of the ways to creating aliveness in relationships :
– Acknowledgement
– Taking 100% responsibility
– Being connected to the higher commitment in relationships
– Creating a “WE” space where everyone’s “WHY” is getting fulfilled
We all have emotions – feelings that move us into action….whether positive or negative. Being aware of these feelings and allowing all of them, not resisting them is one of the keys to peaceful living. Each of these emotions cause us to have a physical reaction in our bodies. These negative ones may look like – anger/violence, shutting down, raising our voice, being afraid and withdrawn, helplessness, closed postures, digestive issues, physical pain in our body, stress and excessive release of cortisol hormone, rush of chemical reactions in the body leading to nervousness or even electrical imbalances in the functioning of the cardio vascular system, chronic pain, allergies/hives, constricting of the blood flow, liver function imbalance, kidneys overload, and so on. And some of the positive reactions may look like – excitement, joy, open postures, dilation of arteries, dancing, sharing, lightness in the body, expansion of the mind and heart, being grateful, laughter which releases the chemicals to ease pain, free flow of energy, and more.
Underneath each of these emotions is either the fulfillment of a need or a need not being met. And that create either being stuck, resignation and restriction or flow, peace and ease. Identifying the cause and being aware of what reactions our body is going through can provide an access to moving from stress to ease.
Some of the key steps that can be useful in stressful situations :
1) Identifying the trigger of the stress or negativity
2) Being aware of the pattern that it starts to cause in the body
3) Allowing all the emotions and being with them
4) Having clarity of the desire or need that was not fulfilled
5) Taking a few deep breaths and feel the stress/negative feelings leaving your body with each exhale
6) Taking a time out to do some anger release exercises
6) Connecting to the Source/Divine/Universe and tuning in
7) Connecting with your Higher Purpose
7) Moving from blame to compassion for yourself and others
8) Feel the strength and the power of the Universe/Source/Divine in you
9) Take on a new way of communication, state the intent and your bigger “why”
10) Share your excitement about your purpose and focus on what you want and state your request
11) Be unattached to how it is going to look and the outcome
We are the space or the channel for Flow, Ease and Love so we can return to that each time we encounter challenging circumstances.
I am your partner in creating this loving flow of open communication in all your relationships.